Here’s my Visual Resume, a digital presentation to let you know exactly what I’m about.
Until October 5th, you can click this link, and share my Resume Update: a Visual Resume on FaceBook, LinkedIn, or Pinterest (I think those 3) to Vote for Me!
Not a Vote for Me for President or anything, but to have a chance at winning a software upgrade!!
Yep. I’m easy to please.
[tweet_box design=”box_02″ float=”none”]The possibilities for using the @VismeApp for visual presentations are endless![/tweet_box]
Try Visme for Yourself
The possibilities using Visme are endless so try some work (and play) using this visual presentation software. Use it for your blogging, writing, and business needs. Go ahead and take a test run!
You may find the Visme visual creations tool fun and easy to use for your resume, for infographics, for slide presentations, or whatever. (NOTE: Lots of parts on my infographic above click to links. I love that.)
I’m thinking of all kinds of writing and content projects using various visual assets to try next.
Did I mention their version of visual includes audio and moving parts too? Wow. So many options, so little time…
P.S. Don’t forget to Vote By Sharing:)
pssst…in case you’re wondering, that photo (me) was taken just a couple weeks ago and YES, I was out on the boat sneaking a little pretend–it’s–still–summer sun! Don’t get me wrong, I love all the seasons and Fall is one one of my four favorites. But, flying on the boat in the wind, sun shining and water sparkling, feels so freeing—a great place for fishing. Fishing for ideas, that is!
Well, it works for me, anyway. ?
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